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Road Kill

By: Ray Weaver, Founder

One of the best pieces of advice I have been given over my life time is that of “Learn to drive past roadkill”.

Here is the analogy:

Have you ever been driving in your car on a hot day? You know, one of those days where is has been extreme temperatures for multiple days in a row. There you sit, driving along in your luxury automobile, air-conditioning keeping the cabin a respectable temperature. The best sing-along-song on the stereo and you are bopping to the music and having a good day. Suddenly you see an animal, that has met its demise by being struck by another automobile sometime prior to your getting to that spot. That is road kill.

Now imagine, the scenario above, multiple hot days in a row, you are driving in your luxury automobile, music, your bopping and singing to the music, etc. However, instead of driving by the dead animal, you decide to get out of the car and walk up to it.  As you get closer to it, you can smell the rotting stench. As you get closer, you notice it is has movement, and you realize the movement are the flies and maggots that have begun to digest the rotting carcass. You continue forward, kneel next to it, and take a bite of it. Do you suppose there is a likely probability you will get sick from what you just chose to do? 

Now, what if your hurts, disappoints, anger and bitterness you are holding on to concerning a coworker or relationship is that roadkill? Do you suppose, if you keep eating on it in your thought life, it will sicken you and stunt your professional and personal growth? It my life, it has an I have learned that is why it is important to let go of your past. Note: I did not say, not to learn from your past; I am saying not to feast on those past hurts, angers, bitterness, and disappointments; because they can and will make your mind sick and you will miss the opportunities set before you today.

It is said, “As a person thinketh, so they shall be”. We have a lot of bad thinking going on and it is divisive, damming and debilitating to individuals, organizations, and communities. What if we start with ourselves and stop feasting on those thoughts (roadkill) that become barriers to our becoming whole and health in our thoughts and actions toward others? 

Rubie Simonsen